
Take the Course

Sign up to take the ProgressForPatients.org Advocacy Education Program

Through the ProgressForPatients.org Advocacy Education Program, we want to provide you with the tools necessary to effectively communicate with drug researchers, developers, and regulators. We’ll educate and empower you to make the connections necessary to engage with the process and communicate your experience. Through this program, you’ll learn when and where to add your voice, and be better equipped to communicate patient needs and advance health outcomes.

 90 min average time to complete

Take the Free Course

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What You’ll Take Away from this Course


Understanding of the drug development and regulatory process, as well as the requirements and guidelines associated with drug approvals


Comprehension of key terminology frequently used in product development and regulation


Gaining a baseline knowledge of clinical trial design, statistical reporting of trial results, and regulatory pathways for drug approval


Increased awareness of opportunities for patient engagement with institutions and organizations such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Friends of Cancer Research, advocacy groups, and industry partners, including how to make your voice heard

Related Resources

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla massa metus, vehicula non arcu quis, luctus laoreet quam. Pellentesque risus sapien, feugiat sit amet nunc eget, posuere.

Link Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla massa metus, vehicula non arcu quis, luctus laoreet quam. Pellentesque risus sapien, feugiat sit amet nunc eget, posuere.

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