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Advocacy Opportunity

ASCO Patient Advocate Guideline Interest Form

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ASCO Patient Advocate Guideline Interest Form

Opportunity Details
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The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Guidelines team seeks to connect with patient advocates on a number of activities. Please indicate your interest in the form linked here and above.

Patient Representative: Participate on the Expert Panel for a specific ASCO guideline, including development of the guideline protocol, drafting recommendations, and participating in regular meetings. Present the perspective of people affected by particular cancer or treatment-related issues and assist in drafting patient-clinician communication sections. Panel member participation is a volunteer position that typically lasts 18 months.

Open Comment: Draft recommendations are open for comment for a two-week period prior to submission to the Evidence Based Medicine Committee. Provide feedback on individual draft recommendations in your specified disease area(s).

Protocol Review: Provide feedback on protocols for clinical practice guidelines in your specified disease area(s).

Guideline Publications: Receive communications when ASCO guidelines are published in your specified disease area(s).

Please email with questions.